A word of thanks to my awesome producer...

Just want to give a shout out to Cory Plaugh, of Plaugh's House Recording Studio - the mastermind behind turning a raw collection of songs into something I am genuinely excited about sharing… I walked into the studio for the first time just a couple of years ago, and thought, is this really happening…? I had hoped and dreamed for years that one day I would be able to put some music down professionally - just a small town, country farm girl from the other side of the world, who only had a few hundred dollars to rub together at the time, and I was as nervous and insecure as the next artist… Cory graciously welcomed all of my thoughts and ideas, and pulled together something that somehow melded all of my own heart and hopes for this project, alongside his genius and skill. Over the numerous studio sessions that followed towards this endeavor, we had countless conversations about music, creating, art and the like, and one thing that has always stood out to me since day one, is the way that he manages to appreciate and validate every expression and genre of music and creativity that comes through his studio doors... never did a negative word slip from his lips about another artist or musician, and that spoke volumes to me of him as a producer/engineer, and even more so as a person... Cory, I cannot thank you enough for the life that you have brought to this project. It has been a privilege to work alongside you, and I will be forever indebted to you for the genius and generosity you poured into this album (actually, I think I still owe you $20, so I'll try to get that to you sometime soon!).
